martedì 3 aprile 2012

Free Technology for Teachers: Use Slideshare in Google+ Hangouts

Avete bisogno di fare una presentazione a un gruppo di persone distanti e distrubuite? Vi serve esprimere verbalmente e visivamente una serie di concetti, per poi interagire con gli interlocutori direttamente?
Allora Google Hangouts fanno al caso vostro, sfruttando l'integrazione di Slideshare per condividere presentazioni. Google Hangouts e' un servizio di teleconferenza estremamente innovativo e tecnologico, che offre a tutti senza spesa e necessita' di harware dedicati un servizio di videoconferenza distribuita sulla rete IP che tante altre aziende offrono a caro prezzo. Per la scuola e' una grande opportunita'.

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Free Technology for Teachers: Use Slideshare in Google+ Hangouts:

'via Blog this'

I've been a fan of Slideshare for years now. Slideshare makes it very easy to upload and share presentations. A couple of years ago Slideshare introduced Zipcast for presenting your slides online. Now you can present your Slideshare slides inside a Google+ Hangout. Last week Google announced that Slideshare is one of six featured apps for Hangouts.  Whenever you're in a Hangout you can select a Slideshare from the apps menu to share your slides.

Applications for Education
Ever since Google announced that Google+ Hangouts could be used by teenagers, Google+ has become more useful for academic settings. If you have slides in Slideshare that you want to present to a live audience, now you can do so in Google+. Students working in groups can use Google+ to get feedback from peers on their slides.

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